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“伦勃朗和他的时代:美国莱顿保藏馆藏品展”包罗六个单位、74幅画做,6月17日起对公家展出,列位亲,为了看展,起头做功课吧!在The Leiden Collection 检索画做英文名称或画家名字,即可先睹为快~

(海报设想 / 张子龙)




地点:中国国度博物馆 南8展厅



美方策展人:Lara Yeager-Crasselt


展览形式设想:Katy Spurrell、邓璐










伟大的初步 :伦勃朗‧范‧莱因在莱顿


《身着东方服饰的伦勃朗之画像》伊萨克·乔德尔维尔(荷兰,约 1612-1648),约1631,板面油画,莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Portrait of Rembrandt in Oriental Dress, ISAAC DE JOUDERVILLE (DUTCH, CA. 1612–1648), CA. 1631, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Three Musicians (Allegory of Hearing), REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), CA. 1624–25, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Unconscious Patient (Allegory of Smell), REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), CA. 1624–25, Oil on panel, inset into an eighteenth century panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Stone Operation (Allegory of Touch), REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), CA. 1624–25, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


David Gives Uriah a Letter for Joab, PIETER LASTMAN (DUTCH, 1583–1633), 1619, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Allegory of Faith,HENDRICK TER BRUGGHEN (DUTCH, 1588–1629), CA. 1626, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Card Players,JAN LIEVENS (DUTCH, 1607–1674),CA. 1625,Oil on canvas,The Leiden Collection, New York


Bookkeeper at His Desk, JAN LIEVENS (DUTCH, 1607–1674), CA. 1627,Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Self-Portrait, JAN LIEVENS (DUTCH, 1607–1674), CA. 1629–30,Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Boy in a Cape and Turban (Portrait of Prince Rupert of the Palatinate),JAN LIEVENS (DUTCH, 1607–1674), CA. 1631, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York



黄金时代的中心 :伦勃朗在阿姆斯特丹



Self-Portrait with Shaded Eyes, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), 1634, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of a Man in a Red Coat, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), 1633, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York

《安东涅·库帕尔画像》伦勃朗·范·莱茵(荷兰,1606–1669)和他的工做室,1635,板面油画 (巴西粟木/抽檀木板),莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Portrait of Antonie Coopal, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN AND WORKSHOP, 1635, Oil on Brazilian chestnut (sucupira), The Leiden Collection, New York


Young Girl with a Gold-Trimmed Cloak, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), 1632, Oil on panel, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Head of a Girl, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), CA. 1645, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Study of a Woman in a White Cap, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), CA. 1645, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York

《白叟像 (可能为拉比) 》伦勃朗·范·莱因(荷兰,1606–1669),约1645,板面油画,莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Portrait of an Old Man (possibly a Rabbi), REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), CA. 1645, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Minerva in Her Study, REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), 1635, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Simeon in the Temple, GERBRAND VAN DEN EECKHOUT (DUTCH, 1621–1674), 1672, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, WILLEM DE POORTER (DUTCH, 1608– AFTER 1648), CA. 1630, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Self-Portrait, GOVAERT FLINCK (DUTCH, 1615–1660), 1643, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Man with a Fur-Trimmed Hat, FERDINAND BOL (DUTCH, 1616–1680), CA. 1646-48, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Angel Appearing to Elijah, FERDINAND BOL (DUTCH, 1616–1680), CA. 1642, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Hagar and the Angel, CAREL FABRITIUS (DUTCH, 1622–1654), CA. 1645, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York



莱顿的精细画 : 格里特•德奥和弗兰斯•范•米里斯



Self-Portrait (?) at an Easel, ATTRIBUTED TO GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1628-29, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Goat in a Landscape, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1660–65, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Herring Seller and Boy, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1664, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Cat Crouching on the Ledge of an Artist’s Atelier, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), 1657, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Scholar Sharpening His Quill, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1630–32, Oil on panel, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Old Man Praying, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1665–70, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Scholar Interrupted at His Writing, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1635, Oil on panel, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Child’s Lesson, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), CA. 1656–57, Oil on panel with arched top, The Leiden Collection, New York


Death of Lucretia, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), 1679, Oil on panel with arched top, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of a Woman in Profile, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1635–40, Oil on panel, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of Dirck van Beresteyn, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1652, Oil on silver-copper alloy, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of a Lady, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), 1673, Oil on panel with arched top, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of a Lady, Seated with a Music Book on Her Lap, GERRIT DOU (DUTCH, 1613–1675), CA. 1640–44, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


“Self-Portrait” with a Plumed Beret, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), 1668, Oil on panel, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Tronie Self-Portrait of the Artist, Bust-length, Wearing a Turban Crowned with a Feather, and Fur-Trimmed Robe, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), 1667/1668, Oil on oak panel, oval, The Leiden Collection, New York


Traveler at Rest, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), CA. 1657, Oil on copper, The Leiden Collection, New York

《撒拉领夏甲去见亚伯拉罕》卡斯帕·内切尔(荷兰,约 1639–1684),1673,布面油画,莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham, CASPAR NETSCHER (DUTCH, 1635–1681), 1673, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, WILLEM VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1662–1747), 1686, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Young Man and Woman Studying a Statue of Venus, by Lamplight, GODEFRIDUS SCHALCKEN (DUTCH, 1643–1706), CA. 1688-92, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Parable of the Lost Piece of Silver, GODEFRIDUS SCHALCKEN (DUTCH, 1643–1706), CA. 1675, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Diana and Her Nymphs in a Clearing, GODEFRIDUS SCHALCKEN (DUTCH, 1643–1706), CA. 1680-85, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Elderly Couple in an Interior, FRANS VAN MIERIS (DUTCH, 1635–1681), CA. 1650-55, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Smoker Seated at a Table, GABRIEL METSU (DUTCH, 1629–1667), CA. 1654–57, Oil on copper, The Leiden Collection, New York






Portrait of the Pharmacist Dr. Ysbrand Ysbrandsz. (1634/35-1705) in an Interior, CORNELIS DE MAN (DUTCH, 1621–1706), CA. 1667, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of Conradus Viëtor, FRANS HALS (DUTCH, 1582/83–1666), 1644, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of Samuel Ampzing, FRANS HALS (DUTCH, 1582/83–1666), 1630, Oil on copper, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of the Artist in His Studio, MICHIEL VAN MUSSCHER (DUTCH, 1645–1705), 1673, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Hunter Getting Dressed after Bathing, GABRIEL METSU (DUTCH, 1629–1667), CA. 1654–56, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Self-Portrait with Magic Scene, PIETER VAN LAER (DUTCH, 1599–1642), CA. 1635–37, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Young Woman Seated in an Interior, Reading a Letter, GABRIEL METSU (DUTCH, 1629–1667), CA. 1658–61, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Young Man Reading, JACOB VAN LOO (DUTCH, 1614–1670), CA. 1650, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Lady Tickling a Sleeping Soldier, GERARD TER BORCH (DUTCH, 1617–1681), CA. 1655, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Guardroom Interior with Soldiers Smoking and Playing Cards, GERARD TER BORCH (DUTCH, 1617–1681), CA. 1640, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York

《室内火炉旁生病的妇女》雅各布·弗雷尔(荷兰,active 1654–1662),约1654-56,板面油画,莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Interior with a Sick Woman by a Fireplace, JACOBUS VREL (DUTCH, ACTIVE 1654–1662), CA. 1654–56, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Doctor’s Visit, JACOB TOORENVLIET (DUTCH, 1640–1719), CA. 1666–67, Oil on copper, The Leiden Collection, New York


Musical Company, GERARD TER BORCH (DUTCH, 1617–1681), CA. 1642–44, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Self-Portrait with a Lute: Sense of Hearing, JAN STEEN (DUTCH, 1626–1679), CA. 1664, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Peasants Merrymaking Outside an Inn, JAN STEEN (DUTCH, 1626–1679), CA. 1676, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Old Woman at Her Meal in an Interior, GABRIEL METSU (DUTCH, 1629–1667), CA. 1654-57, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Woman Selling Game from a Stall, GABRIEL METSU (DUTCH, 1629–1667), CA. 1653-54, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Prayer Before the Meal,JAN STEEN (DUTCH, 1626–1679), 1660, Oil on oak panel, The Leiden Collection, New York

《室内弹鲁特琴的淑女》埃赫隆·亨德里克·范德内尔(荷兰,1634/36–1703), 1675, 板面油画, 莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Lady Playing a Lute in an Interior, EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER (DUTCH, 1634/36–1703), 1675, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Portrait of Susanna Doublet Huygens, CASPAR NETSCHER (DUTCH, CA. 1639–1684), 1669, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York

《室内的两位妇女和一篮柠檬》卡斯帕·内切尔(荷兰,约 1639–1684),约1664-65,板面油画,莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Two Women in an Interior with a Basket of Lemons, CASPAR NETSCHER (DUTCH, CA. 1639–1684), ca. 1664-65, Oil on panel, The Leiden Collection, New York


Young Woman Seated at a Virginal, JOHANNES VERMEER (DUTCH, 1632–1675), CA. 1670–72, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York






Sacrifice of Iphigenia, JAN STEEN (DUTCH, 1626–1679), CA. 1671, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Lazarus and the Rich Man or ‘In Luxury Beware’, JAN STEEN (DUTCH, 1626–1679), CA. 1677, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Banquet of Anthony and Cleopatra, JAN STEEN (DUTCH, 1626–1679), CA. 1673–75, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York

《两手紧握的妇人坐像》 伦勃朗·范·莱茵(荷兰,1606–1669),1660,布面油画,莱顿保藏馆,纽约

Portrait of a Seated Woman with Her Hands Clasped, ATTRIBUTED TO REMBRANDT VAN RIJN (DUTCH, 1606–1669), 1660, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


Old Testament Figure,Probably King Solomon, ARENT DE GELDER (DUTCH, 1645–1727), CA. 1685–90, Oil on canvas, The Leiden Collection, New York


The Leiden Collection





伦勃朗和他的时代:美国莱顿保藏馆藏品展74幅展品,有哪些名画? 期待您的回复!


